Inspiration and guidance to AI.

Eryka Nyambura
2 min readNov 14, 2020


My journey started in High school, when I was first introduced to computer studies. We were building things in scratch and finding our way through Java, and it was very interesting for me. In the beginning it was honestly a bit difficult for me, considering I was just a beginner, but I never gave up. I then started researching on AI in the future world and I tell you, I was quite intrigued. I wanted to learn more, I wanted to involve myself in things and activities that will help me in my knowledge with AI. I came across this AI program around last year December. I applied, even with the little knowledge I had, I still got in. We learnt various codes, and concepts that helped us understand projects.

There are very many ways to talk about AI and generally spread the awareness among people. You could start clubs in school, concerning AI. This way you start making people in your school community learn more about AI, relieve them from certain misconceptions and just to bring out the joy in AI. In addition to that, the club could start projects regarding AI so that people are also learning the particular concepts.

Social media platforms are also really growing, for example Instagram and tik tok, very many people make accounts daily. Putting a story or a question sticker on Instagram would be very helpful because, many people will see the stories and will start being inquisitive on what AI is. You could also tell your viewers how tik tok itself uses AI to recommend videos for account users.

AI will soon be in our every day lives, in fact, you can already start to see it, so it would be a good thing to inform as many people as you can about AI. And there are other ways you can do it, don’t be limited to what I’ve given, those were just but examples. Well, I usually read about AI in machines and things that we use nowadays, and tell my classmates the basic principles, which is quite helpful because everyone is now educated on something involving AI.

Eryka Nyambura, is a Student Ambassador in the Inspirit AI Student Ambassadors Program. Inspirit AI is a pre-collegiate enrichment program that exposes curious high school students globally to AI through live online classes. Learn more at

